Artwork Submissions

Guidelines for Video Submission

All submissions received will be reviewed by the co-founders and leadership team to feature the artwork on ARTifact’s digital magazine, Heritage On Stage.

Submission Requirements:

1) Format: All videos must be submitted in MP4 format. Audio-only recordings are not acceptable.

2) Duration:

  • Dance: Videos should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes in length.

  • Theatre and Music: Videos should be between 1 to 3 minutes in length.

3) Visual Requirements: 

  • Dance and Theatre: Your video must clearly display your full body throughout its duration.

  • Music: Your video must clearly display your full upper body throughout its duration.

Labelling the File:

Please ensure that your title is labelled as [Last, First - (Type) ARTifact (Number)]

• The type indicates whether the submission will be Dance, Theatre or Music.

• The number indicates the number of submissions within the same type. Only input numbers if you are submitting more than one artwork that is the same type.

e.g.     [Kim, Kayler - Dance ARTifact] - if you are submitting ONE dance file.

    [Kim, Kayler - Theatre ARTifact 2] - if you are submitting your SECOND theatre file.

Artist Statement:

Along with your video, please provide a 1-2 paragraph artist statement that explains how your artwork represents your chosen culture. To aid in crafting your statement, consider addressing the following questions:

  1. What cultural aspects does your artwork explore or represent?

  2. How do you personally connect with the themes presented in your artwork?

  3. What do you hope to communicate to your audience through your artwork?

  4. How does your artistic process reflect or respond to cultural influences?

These guidelines are designed to ensure that all submissions are consistent and provide sufficient information to appreciate the cultural context of the artwork.